2. PPG Industries 
PPG Industries Inc
Pittsburgh, PA 15272
Tel: +1 412 434 3131
Fax: +1 412 434 2125
Key Figures:
Paint as % of Group Sales 56%
Coatings Sales£º11.36 billion
Coatings Sales£º1338m liters
Employees 40800
Geographic Sales:
Europe 22%
Americas 72%
Asia Pacific 6%
Coatings Industry:
Europe 40%
Americas 33%
Asia Pacific 27%
Key Developments:
* New CEO and executive organizational changes
* Sales up 6% from improved volumes and 4% from currency translation
* Sales down 1% from lower selling prices, principally automotive
* Income up from these factors and improved manufacturing efficiencies
Executive Team:
Charles E. Bunch, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
J Rich Alexander, Senior VP Coatings
Richard A Beuke, VP Architectural Coatings
David P Morris, VP Aerospace
Garry A Goudy, Senior VP Automotive Aftermarket
William A Wulfsohn, Senior VP
Coatings & Managing Director, PPG Europe
Dennis A Kovalsky, VP Automotive OEM Coatings
Marc P Talman, VP Packaging Coatings
Pittsburgh Paints£¬Olympic, Porter, Monarch, Lucite, Pittsburgh HPC (High Performance Coatings), Manor House, Keeler & Long, Pitt-Chart, Master's mark.
Market Positioning:
Coatings£¬inks, compounds, pretreatment chemicals and lubricants for metal and plastic containers.
* Acquisition
* Divestment
Key Market Sectors:
Europe-Automotive OEM, Refinish, Packaging. Others-Industrial, Decorative, Aerospace
Market Positioning:
PPG, though lower in the volume ranking, is the world's second largest coatings company in sales value. In its industrial markets consistent among its aims are to be the technology leader and the lowest-cost-to-serve producer, leveraging its strengths in adjacent sectors like Automotive, Refinish, Industrial and Aerospace.
PPG is also a pioneer in price per painted car' program, supplying coatings, chemicals and personnel for painting processes to global standards in automotive plants.
PPG's industrial coatings business has developed Shmaze color design studio, PPG's Trendcast, a nearby Irvine, California, is committed to helping manufacturers and industrial designers to accelerate color design and prototype development, facility sponsorship. , PPG general manager of strategic markets, said Richard Zoulek, Shmaze color design studio can produce world-class team of professional knowledge to expand the preferred supplier of coatings.
PPG's 'Blueprint' goals are:
* Be the top-ranked supplier to customers
* Grow earnings per share by 10% per year
* Achieve an average return on capital of 15%
* Attain 35% of sales from products that are 4 years old or less
* Increase output per employee by at least 5% per year
* Grow service revenues to 15% of total sales
PPG aims to achieve its goals by:
Continue to upgrade our portfolio by entering new businesses that are adjacent to our existing businesses and in which we can demonstrate sustainable competitive advantage and value-creation potential.
Drive the integration of Sigma Logic and Lean methodologies via the Quality Process in all businesses and functions.
Drive cross-SBU and support functions' synergies to the fullest extent. Increase service components in all our operations and work closely with customers to help them solve their problems.
Invest in R&D to ensure a continuous flow of new products as well as the development of transforming product or process technologies.
Gain competitive advantage and raise performance trends by forging dynamic change in each of our businesses and challenging the orthodoxies of our industries.'
PPG's strategic focus is generate cash/cost leadership in:
* Packaging Coatings ... and market leadership/competitive cost in:
* Automotive Refinish
* Industrial Coatings
* Automotive Coatings & Products
* Aerospace
* Architectural Coatings